Salon hQue

Nelson Architects


Salon hQue Salon hQue Salon hQue Salon hQue Salon hQue Salon hQue

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About this Project

The Brief was to create a Luxe hair workspace for Independent hairdressers to share a salon space with other hair creatives.
polytec Prime Oak Woodmatt was selected to compliment the Coral, Ivory and Brass palette with black accents.
Bespoke joinery design was a major component of the fit-out with private and shared storage solutions offering a modern aesthetic and a touch of Luxe.
Prime Oak was consistently used across the Sussex door profiles, bench tops and Steccawood batten detailing.


Sally Young


Aleshin Photography


Winkle Group

Building Designer

Nelson Architects


Winkle Group


  • Prime Oak Woodmatt (BENCHTOPS & laminate)
  • Prime Oak Woodmatt (THERMOLAMINATED doors & panels)
    Door style in Sussex
  • Prime Oak Woodmatt (STECCAWOOD)